Welcome to Scandian Grove Lutheran Church
We are an ELCA congregation located ten miles northwest of Saint Peter, Minnesota in the hamlet of Norseland. We are a rural church in the heart of Nicollet County with a 166 years history. We minister to 327 baptized members working to fulfill our mission: "striving to live, love, serve - all for the glory of God."
Our Mission: "Striving to Live, Love, and Serve - all for the Glory of God"
Our Theme: "Nourishing Body and Soul"
ALL are welcome!
“A New Day”, is our radio worship program that can be found on KNUJ (AM 860) (FM97.3) on Sunday morning’s at 10:05am!
Visit the KNUJ Radio’s Website at: https://www.ingstadmedia.com/radio-waves-encore/
Highlight above link; Right click; Go to site or paste in your browser.
You can also find us on Facebook and YouTube by searching for “Scandian Grove Lutheran Church”
Mailing Address: 42869 County Road #52, Saint Peter, MN 56082
Church Phone Number: 1.507.246.5195
Church Website Address: www.scandiangrovelutheranchurch.org
Pastors Email Address: pastorsglc@gmail.com
Church Secretary’s Email Address: secretarysglc@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor’s Email Address: newslettersglc@gmail.com
Church Treasurer’s Email Address: scandiantreas@gmail.com